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Splitting assets can be nerve-wracking in an unstable market

Many investors have seen the stock market take a sharp dive in recent weeks. As economic uncertainty looms across the U.S., being in the market right now can be scary. That’s especially the case for those going through divorce. Many couples likely see their...

Why are so many Millennials signing prenups?

Younger generations are changing their tune on how they tie the knot. The old saying goes first comes love, then comes marriage. But many Millennials are putting a prenup in the middle of that phrase. That’s because more of them are getting married later in...

Interfaith divorces can complicate custody battles

Religion plays a central role in many New Yorkers’ lives. And when it comes to raising their kids, many see faith as a way to give children a sense of purpose and a moral compass to live by. In this day and age, some younger couples are entering interfaith marriages....

Is a split custody option right for me?

Most parents want to give their kids the love, attention and support they need. However, doing so can be challenging after divorce. That’s especially the case if there’s more than one child in the picture. Depending on the circumstances, parents may...

How mediation works in divorce

A steadily growing trend in divorce suits, more couples are turning to mediation to negotiate their divorce resolution. Mediation is usually a faster and cheaper way to work through a divorce, and often produces equitable resolutions that satisfy each party. A couple...